Resources – COVID-19

Posted in: Couple relationship, Fathers, Infants, Parenting, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Self-care

Our new Handouts provide gentle reminders and tips as you navigate pregnancy and the early days, weeks and months at home with your baby.

Holding in mind the importance of managing uncertainty during the COVID-19 global pandemic, our Handouts are balanced with reminders about this very special and unique time in your lives.

In the midst of additional stress brought about by this unexpected time, by social isolation, by limitations, it’s important to find ways to stay afloat in the storm, focus on your experience of becoming a parent and enjoy your baby.

We focus on ‘Pregnancy through the age of coronavirus’ and ‘Managing overwhelm and distress’.

As always, should you need additional support, know we are here for you.  Centre for Perinatal Psychology is dedicated to supporting parents and their infants during this unprecedented time of uncertainty.

Working across Telehealth, we have 60+ dedicated perinatal and infant psychologists available to support you in your journey – whether that be during pregnancy, when baby has arrived, the difficulty of trying to conceive or the loss of a pregnancy or baby. Look for your nearest perinatal psychologist under Location.

Access our Handouts under COVID-19 Resources.

Above illustration by Jess Racklyeft.