Resources – COVID-19
Our new Handouts provide gentle reminders and tips as you navigate pregnancy and the early days, weeks and months at home with your baby. Holding in mind the importance of managing uncertainty during the COVID-19 global pandemic, our Handouts are balanced with reminders about this very special and unique time in your lives. In the […]
Telehealth appointments available during COVID-19
Important Announcement In line with Government recommendations for social distancing and for the welfare of our clients, our psychologists and the broader community, we provide Telehealth appointments via video or telephone. Telehealth appointments will be bulk billed during the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning no out-of-pocket expense to clients. During these times of uncertainty, you can be […]
I wish I knew asking for support as a new parent would make me stronger – a new dad’s perspective on perinatal mental health
by David Edwards Before becoming a new dad, I wish someone had approached me and told me that not coping was ok and asking for help was not only helpful, but would help me develop into the father I wanted to be. I also wish I knew that feeling overwhelmed, lonely and hopeless was not […]
Observing your Baby
by Dr Bronwyn Leigh Babies don’t come with a manual – they are the manual! Observing your baby and trying to understand what is going on for them is a ‘way in’ to understand them and getting to know them. Understanding what babies may be experiencing allows us to respond more easily, genuinely and […]
Speaking for the Baby Campaign
by Dr Bronwyn Leigh To celebrate the international Infant Mental Health Awareness Week – 11-17 June 2018, we are launching our Speaking for the Baby Campaign. We love advocating for babies. At the Centre for Perinatal Psychology, we help parents ‘see’ their baby with fresh eyes, and understand how their baby communicates. Babies have their […]
Towards Parenthood: Preparing for the Changes and Challenges of a New Baby
by Dr Bronwyn Leigh Is it possible to prepare for having a baby? We think so… It’s long been said that “nothing can prepare you…” for having a baby. Well, that’s simply not true. Yes, the ‘shock of the new’ is inevitable – that’s part of the journey. But preparing emotionally before baby arrives and […]