Baby massage

By Caroline Heckendorf Baby massage has been practised for centuries and was first introduced into Western society in the 1970s. In the following years massage strokes were researched, studied and refined to provide the basis for how baby massage is taught by certified instructors today. During a class, an instructor will lead mums and bubs […]

The happy sleeper

By Dr Bronwyn Leigh I’m always heartened when I find a sensible and sensitive book for parents, especially when it addresses the contentious issue of infant and toddler sleep. Julie Wright and Heather Turgeon are two Los Angeles-based psychotherapists and authors of the practical step-by-step guidebook, The Happy Sleeper (Penguin Random House, 2014).  This book […]

What is perinatal depression?

By Dr Bronwyn Leigh The perinatal period is before and after birth – in mental health terms for parents this means during pregnancy and the first year postpartum.  While depression can occur at anytime during life, the perinatal period is the time of highest risk for a woman to develop, or have a reoccurrence of, […]